2019 research

What inspires young people to support social issues and participate in movements?

Humans are by nature empathetic, yet not every social injustice inspires action. What are the influences that prompt Young America to move beyond caring about an issue to standing up for change? And what then influences them to join social movements?


In light of the rapidity with which information and opinions can flow and incite both positive and negative action on a grand scale, we must develop a deeper understanding of the remarkable power we have to influence each other.

It’s just as imperative that we learn to recognize the techniques used by successful influencers so we can make informed decisions about how to react.

Finally, by learning how to effectively influence others, we can make real strides toward improving the world around us.

This exploration is part of a larger initiative, Cause and Social Influence. Research explores how Americans in their formative years are influenced to care about movements and social issues and to act on them. It begins with Influencing Young America to Act, a study of how Americans ages 18-30 are influenced by and influence others to act on social issues and major movements.


Major Findings

1. Climate Change tops list of social issues of most concern in 2019.


2. Young Americans trust nonprofits and social movements the most.


3. Gender influences social issues of interest.


4. The most successful journey from awareness to action is personal.


5. Voting is a form of social activism and an action that will lead to desired changes.


6. The country is off track.


7. β€œFake news” exists and will influence the 2020 presidential election.


Research Terminology and Focus

  • Campaign: A deliberate, organized and active promotion or pathway by a company, cause or governmental entity to create awareness, attention and action that may result in individual support (financial, activism and volunteerism) for a social issue.

  • Fake News: Information that is not factually accurate and/ or opinions presented as fact

  • Generation Z: The group of people born after 1996

  • Influence: An external force that inspires a person to become aware, adopt and act for or against a social issue.

  • Millennials: The group of people born 1981-1996

  • Moment: A one-time or short-term concentration of informal or organized actions fueled by cultural, political and/ or social events or occurrences that yield a surge of individual participation and public self-organizing.

  • Movement: A long-term concentration of efforts by a group of people organized for the purpose of creating or resisting an identified social change. The result of the movement is change in mindset, behavior and policy for the betterment of those affected.

  • Social Issue: An existing situation recognized as being against society’s general values, yet able to be alleviated through people working together and/ or using community resources.

  • Social Movement: A group of people working together to support the interests of a community whose lives are affected by a specific issue; the group often is unable to overcome this issue without the support of dedicated community activists and constituents.

  • Young Americans: People living in the United States who are in their formative years. For research purposes, this will comprise individuals aged 18-30. 


Download 2019 Report

Influencing Young America to Act 2019

Research Protocol

This mixed-methods (qualitative and quantitative) approach used social listening and surveying techniques to collect data about the campaigns, moments and movements in which young Americans learned about and were moved to support in some way.

  • Social Listening Research: This approach informed researchers about which moments, campaigns and movements were discussed through what platforms and with what frequency, then emerged with the most engagements from January 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019.

  • Surveying: This approach inquired more specifically about the campaigns, moments and movements identified during the social listening phase of research with a nationally representative panel of young Americans. The survey was fielded September 20-30 2019.














Marital Status






Social Issues of Interest



Social Issues of Interest by Age 25-30


Social Issues of Interest by Age (18-24)


Social Issues of Interest by Gender Female


Social Issues of Interest by Gender Male


Movements of Interest



Movements of Interest by Age 18-24


Movements of Interest by Age 25-30


Movements of Interest by Gender Female


Movements of Interest by Gender Male